Black Friday Special 30% OFF! Code: BF30

Are you ready to grow your audience and your impact with a podcast…

but you've got limited time or the tech scares you?

Podcast in Weekend is the perfect combination of strategy + shortcuts delivered in a 3 workshop series giving you everything you need to successfully launch (or re-launch) a podcast...

even if you're busy wrangling clients, writing a book, or trying to recover from 2020.

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Grab Podcast in a Weekend Now for just $37.

Does this sound like you?

You have a message to share, and you know that a podcast is your next step to amplify that message.

But you’re already busy and you’re not sure how you’re going to fit another thing into your schedule.

Plus you’re not sure if you can handle all the tech that goes on behind the scenes to get a podcast launched.

You know podcasting is one of the best ways (if not the best) to connect with your audience…

But there are over 1 million podcasts out there right now.

​The tech is overwhelming...

And you’re not even sure what you need to do to get your podcast launched.

You don't have time to waste trying to figure out how to do this on your own.

You know that podcasting requires some tech and equipment, but the choices and information is endless, and you’re not sure where to start! You’ve got better things to do than read tons of blog posts about the technical side of podcasting… not to mention half of them are probably outdated information.

You don't want to waste money on a course that you might never get through.

There are some great podcasting courses out there but many of them are so overwhelming, and all you want to do is get your podcast launched. You don’t want to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars and end up not using the information. You want a simple and clear path that can be done in a short amount of time.

Just like you don’t take a road trip without a map, you don’t want to launch a podcast without a clear path.

I felt the same way before I launched my own podcast: overwhelmed at the amount of blogs, courses, and videos out there… but not really sure where to turn and which path was the best for me. Plus, lots of the people I followed had much larger audiences and businesses than I did, so I wasn't sure if they could relate to someone with almost no audience.

but i've discovered

Launching a podcast doesn’t have to mean months of stress or tech confusion.

After working with dozens of clients and students, and launching 2 of my own podcasts, I've simplified what I’ve learned to help others launch a podcast quickly while still ensuring that the podcast will help grow your audience or business.

my story

I wanted to launch a podcast for over a year before I did it.

I listened to podcasts and trainings from extremely successful podcasters, but I didn’t relate to all of them. They were leap years ahead of me in business, income, and audience. And I knew that some of the strategies they were teaching would not resonate with my listeners.

I also saw tons of tips about the podcast audio production, but as a planner, I realized that part of what would make a podcast successful is having a strategy in place from the start.

Since strategic planning and processes are my jam, I developed a plan for my podcast, and then I strategically implemented it.

My ideal listeners started subscribing, leaving reviews, joining my Facebook group, and buying my programs and products. These were the exact women I wanted to reach, and it was exciting to connect with them like I never had before.

Now, I use my strategies and processes to help others do the same.

just imagine

... finally getting your podcast launched so that you can begin amplifying your message and growing your audience or business!

What if you could do all of this with a simple and clear path?


Save time by focusing only on what matters most for your launch.

Have confidence in your recording and equipment

Get your podcast started on the right foot (no re-doing stuff later)

Create content that will connect and grow your audience

Create the podcast assets that will attract your ideal listeners

Generate excitement and buzz around your podcast launch


Yes, it is possible to launch your podcast without…

Wasting time searching through YouTube videos

Spending hundreds of dollars on courses you probably won’t finish and have more content than you have time to consume

Running in circles trying to figure out all the tech on your own

You just need a plan...

a step-by-step path to help you take your podcast idea from dream to reality...

without taking up all of your precious time.

I've learned that every successful podcast launch includes 3 key ingredients:

  • Planning - You need to create a clear strategy from the start so that your podcast will actually help you reach your goals
  • Production - Your podcast is an audio form of content, so you've gotta get it sounding good and make sure it lands in all the places it needs to be
  • Promotion - instead of expecting listeners to come to you, you've gotta get out and share your podcast so that your ideal listeners know about it!

Once your podcast launches, everything can change.

make a difference

When you start your podcast, you can make a difference in the lives of others.


You have a message to share, and a podcast will help you reach even more people. Podcasting is the most accessible form of content there is, because people can listen anytime, anywhere. Plus, your audience connects with you in a deep way when they listen.


Podcasting allows you to be seen as a thought leader. You can develop relationships with leaders in your industry. And doors can be opened to new opportunities, collaborations, and connections that you may not have made otherwise.

Your voice can make a difference for your listeners. And your podcast can make a difference for your life.


Podcast in a Weekend: The strategic solution to launch (or re-launch) your podcast… even if you have limited time.

Podcast in a Weekend will provide you with a step-by-step path to launch a podcast that attracts your ideal listeners and grows your business or ministry!





Shortcut your way to a podcast launch (without sacrificing strategy).


How to Plan...

You'll discover how to create a strategy that will help you not only launch your podcast but also keep it going for the long run.

You’ll establish your podcast foundation and then build on this to create the podcast assets you need (like the right podcast name, description, artwork, and content) that will reach your ideal audience.

How to Produce...

You’ll learn the basics of how to get your first episodes produced, including what equipment you need (and what you don’t have to worry about). You’ll learn how to record and edit simply and easily so that you don’t waste hours dealing with confusing tech.

Plus you’ll know how to get your podcast hosted and onto the various platforms where listeners will be able to find you!

How to Promote...

You’ll find out how to start generating excitement and buzz about your podcast so that you begin connecting with your potential listeners before the podcast launches. You’ll discover a variety of strategies and choose the ones that will work best for you, your schedule, and your goals.

You’ll have the option to do this as quickly as one weekend (with a small amount of prep) OR at your own pace.

Simply stated, my goal is to help you get your podcast launched quickly, without overcomplicating it or stressing about vanity metrics and things that won’t matter a year from now.

what's inside



In this 2-part workshop, you will know exactly what you need for a successful podcast launch and how to create it… and you’ll actually get it done!

In Part 1, we’ll review the Podcast Success Foundations so that you can make the key strategic decisions that will lead to long-term podcast growth. In Part 2, you’ll walk away with the Podcast Success Assets that are essential to launching quickly and will attract the audience you want.

Strategic Shortcut: Templates & tutorials to help you quickly and easily create your podcast foundations, name your podcast, and create your podcast artwork!



With this workshop, you’ll know how to get your first 3 episodes planned, recorded, and ready to publish! This workshop will demystify the tech and simplify the production process so that you can publish your podcast with confidence.

In this workshop, we’ll dive into the tech of recording and editing so that you know exactly what to do to get your first few episodes produced. You’ll also learn exactly how to get your podcast set up in a hosting account, submitted to Apple Podcasts and other platforms like Spotify & Stitcher, and ready to share with your audience.

Strategic Shortcut: Checklists, tutorials, and guides for every step of the production process.



In this workshop, you’ll learn simple and effective ways to promote your podcast and propel your message into the world. This workshop will provide practical and doable steps to create buzz and excitement around your podcast launch, without leaving you feeling overwhelmed.

Strategic Shortcut: Examples & ideas galore for promoting your show before, during, and after your launch!


Explain the Limited Time Deal...

Are there limited quantities? Limited time? Special offers? Explain and give a reason why they must take you up on the offer today.

This is your scarcity. You must have some sort of scarcity to encourage immediate action.

I’m confident that this resource will give you exactly what you need (and no more) to launch your podcast. If you’re not 100% satisfied with the training, the templates, and the resources within 7 days, we will offer you a full refund, for any reason.

That means you can join today even if you’re not 100% sure you’re going to love it. Take the full 7 days to dive into the contents of Podcast in a Weekend. If you're unsatisfied with the content, you can contact us for a refund.

extra bonuses

In addition to the Podcast in a Weekend mini-course, you'll get access to these bonuses.


Grab and Go Swipe File Kit

Swipe files + outlines to cut your time in half! Get access to my bundle of copy & paste and fill-in-the blank outlines for:

  • Your podcast description: get this wrong, and would be listeners might leave before they give it a chance.
  • First few episodes: this is your chance to turn listeners into subscribers
  • Proven promotional emails: engage your current network with your new podcast
  • Audience survey: get valuable feedback and avoid wasting time creating content your audience doesn't want


Implementation Tool Kit

This toolkit will help you get the work done (rather than simply learning).

  • Master Trello board outlining ALL the action items you need to ensure that you get your podcast launched without missing any details.
  • Digital workbook for easy access and completion of your tasks
  • Downloadable PDF if you're a pen & paper gal!
  • Getting Started with Trello mini-series so you can easily start using my favorite tool for managing my podcast.


Pro Podcasting Tips

Get advice and tips from experienced podcasters. Everything from mindset to audio setup and what they wished they knew before they started.


Mini-Course Audio Files

Prefer listening over watching? Get access to all the main lessons as audio files so you can listen on the go!

Jamie Kirschner, UncommonTEEN Podcast

Jen Howat, Women in Ministry United Podcast

Christa Hutchins, Just One Simple Thing Podcast

Cyndee Ownbey, Women's Ministry Toolbox Podcast

black friday bonuses

LIVE Q&A SESSION (value $197)

Ever buy a course and wish there was a chance to ask the instructor questions? Exclusively for Black Friday weekend purchasers, I'll host a LIVE Q&A session and answer your questions (up to 2 hours)! Need input naming your podcast or creating your content plan? I'll share my insights and expertise, answering individual questions from you during this special group session! Taking place in January; exact time & date TBD. For those who can't join live, you can submit questions ahead of time and the call will be recorded so you watch after it's over.


One person who purchases from Friday, Nov. 27th through Monday, Nov. 30th will win the exact podcast mic bundle that I use for my own podcast! (U.S. Residents only)


When I work with clients 1:1, I use the same processes and systems that I’m sharing with you in this mini-course. But it costs several hundred dollars to work with me that way. I wanted to find a way to share this with you, making it affordable AND fast, so that you can finally share your message with the world.

After completing Podcast in a Weekend, you will be ready to launch a podcast that will grow your business and help you connect with your audience. And you'll be ready to do so without wasting time or spinning your wheels.

Podcast in a Weekend

The strategic solution to launch (or re-launch) your podcast… even if you have limited time.

Podcast Success Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $197)

Podcast Production Simplified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $197)

Podcast Propel Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $197)

Grab and Go Swipe File Kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $197)

Implementation Tool Kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

Pro Podcasting Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $47)

Mini-Course Audio Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $47)

TOTAL VALUE = ($979)

Today's Price = $37

they said

here's what my clients have said about my systems and processes for podcast launching...

Cathy Mazak

academic womxn amplified podcast

Esther's strategies, systems, and processes helped me plan and launch my podcast.

Esther’s strategies, systems and processes helped me plan and launch my podcast, which is now my main source for students in my programs and has helped to grow my audience significantly.

Natalie Gingrich

The ops authority podcast

I followed her step by step process to make my podcast a reality.

I read all the reports and knew podcasting would transform my business BUT I couldn’t get out of my own way. I stalled and procrastinated because I didn’t know exactly how to make this happen. actually, I delayed for 10 full months. Enter Esther! I followed her step by step process to make this a reality for me. She simplified it so I only focused on 1 thing at a time. It came together beautifully and strategically exceeded my expectations. One year later, after launch, and I continue to leverage her material for growth of the podcast. I attribute my business growth and success to Esther’s leadership and system.


When you have an experienced guide, a clear path, and proven systems and processes, your podcast can go from dream to reality.

what others have said...

Here's some more thoughts from some of my students and even my mentors.


No more excuses, friend. It's time to get your message out into the world, and Podcast in a Weekend will help you finally launch (or re-launch) your show.

Podcast in a Weekend

The strategic solution to launch (or re-launch) your podcast… even if you have limited time.

Podcast Success Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $197)

Podcast Production Simplified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $197)

Podcast Propel Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $197)

Grab and Go Swipe File Kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $197)*

Implementation Tool Kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

Pro Podcasting Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $47)

Mini-Course Audio Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $47)

TOTAL VALUE = ($979)

Today's Price = $37

you asked

Your frequently asked questions, ones that overcome objections are great here.

  • Can I really get my podcast launched in one weekend?

In this course, I’ve created a doable plan to help you get the vast majority of your podcast done and ready to launch in one weekend. You will need to be committed and do a small amount of pre-work before the weekend (i.e. order your microphone) in order to complete the tasks.

Of course, there are a number of variables that might affect the time it will take you to get your podcast ready, such as the length of your episodes and whether you are doing interviews. But if you follow the path I give you, I know you’ll be able to get your podcast launched.

  • What if I don’t want to spend a whole weekend on launching my podcast? Can I still use this course?

YES! I have created 2 paths for this course: the weekend option or the ‘at your own pace’ option.

With the ‘at your own pace’ path, you can complete the tasks over the course of several weeks rather than all at once on a weekend. This is a good option for someone who can’t block off the time but still wants to move forward on launching their podcast.

Who is this course designed for?

Podcast in a Weekend is perfect for any business owner or speaker, author, or content creator who is ready to amplify her message. While this is not a faith-based course, please note that I am a Christian podcaster and may refer to faith throughout my content. However you do not have to be a Christian to benefit from this course.

  • What if I don't plan to launch my podcast right away?

Podcast in a Weekend is a great investment whether you plan to launch in the next month OR within the next year. You have the option to go through the content quickly or at your own pace, which means you can begin working on the foundations now even if you don’t plan to launch right away.

Is the course available right away?

Yes! As soon as you purchase, you’ll receive immediate access to the course area. You can start going through the content and getting stuff done. Note: Mini-course lessons will be available immediately. Tutorials, templates, & bonuses will release by Dec. 7, 2020.

  • How long do I have access to this course?

You will have unlimited access to this course. That means it’s not going away a week after you buy it or anything like that. If I ever decided to retire this course (which I’m not planning to do), you would be notified in plenty of time to get through the contents and download the assets.

How is this different from other podcasting courses I could purchase?

Podcast in a Weekend is designed with 2 main goals: helping you get your podcast launched quickly AND helping you create a solid strategy for the long-term.

I’m bringing together all that I have learned through my experience of working with dozens of clients and students, my own journey of podcasting for 2+ years, and the ongoing professional development I’ve invested in. I’m boiling it down to simplify what you need to do know in order to launch a podcast even if you have limited time.

While other courses might get into the weeds on technical details or vanity metrics, I'm giving you what you need (and only that) to get your podcast launched!


In this course, I’ve created a doable plan to help you get the vast majority of your podcast done and ready to launch in one weekend. You will need to be committed and do a small amount of pre-work before the weekend (i.e. order your microphone) in order to complete the tasks.

Of course, there are a number of variables that might affect the time it will take you to get your podcast ready, such as the length of your episodes and whether you are doing interviews. But if y you follow the path I give you, I believe you’ll be able to get your podcast launched.

Hey there, I'm Esther Littlefield...

Podcast consultant & strategist and host of the award-winning Christian Woman Leadership Podcast and the Christian Woman Business Podcast.

I’ve worked with dozens of clients and students on both podcast strategy and implementation over the past 3+ years, in addition to launching 2 of my own podcasts.

My Christian Woman Leadership Podcast reached over 100,000 downloads in 17 months, and has reached the top 200 charts on several occasions in the most crowded category in Apple Podcasts (Christianity). And my clients and student’s podcasts have helped them grow their audiences, incomes, and businesses. And I’m ready to share these proprietary strategies and systems with you!

My goal in Podcast in a Weekend is to help you achieve your goal of launching a podcast… even if you have limited time. I know you’re ready to share your message with the world, and I believe you can do so with both strategy and speed if you follow my system.

In case you want to know more about me, I'm also a pastor's wife, mom, and live in the beautiful state of Maine. In my free time, you'll probably find me enjoying a cup of coffee, exploring the great outdoors, or convincing my husband or a friend to take a road trip to see my favorite band, Switchfoot.


It's time to take your podcast idea out of your head and put it into the world. I'll help you do that in Podcast in a Weekend.

You'll create the foundations and assets for a successful podcast, get your first few episodes recorded and ready to go, and generate buzz and excitement around your podcast launch.

happy students...


Abby Herman, Stories in Small Business Podcast

"I feel confident that I'll be able to rock every part of my podcast launch--from planning to the technology to the launch itself."

p.s. she did rock it!


Teresa Huff, Grant Writing Simplified Podcast

"I really hadn't planned on starting a podcast because it seemed so overwhelming, but it came together faster than I could've imagined. Now 6 weeks + 13 episodes in, I'm hooked!"


Marion Syverson, Norumbega Financial

“Esther is a very engaging and thorough coach, leading you through the various areas needed for a good launch and a successful podcast.”


Kristen Joy, The Ministry Wife Coach

"Your teaching is always so practical and inspirational. I leave each interaction with your teaching encouraged and reminded that, yes, I can do this, too!"

Get Podcast in a Weekend before I realize that this price is ridiculous.

The strategic solution to launch (or re-launch) your podcast… even if you have limited time.

Podcast Success Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $197)

Podcast Production Simplified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $197)

Podcast Propel Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $197)

Grab and Go Swipe File Kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $197)*

Implementation Tool Kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

Pro Podcasting Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $47)

Mini-Course Audio Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $47)

TOTAL VALUE = ($979)

Today's Price = $37


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